About Me

Essex & Bournemouth,, United Kingdom
I am currently a second year student studying costume with performance design at The Arts Unversity College in Bournemouth. My blog will be a way for me to present my progression throughout my time on the costume course and show how my making skills develop through a variety of units that I will carry out.

Wednesday 21 April 2010

Midway Reflection

Overall I have enjoyed making a tutu, although there have been times when I have found it really stressful. I think that I have coped with everything very well, such as the mistakes with the bodice fabric wrinkling. I am happy with my tutu so far but think that if I had made one before I could of made it to a much better standard but seeing as it is the first time I have ever made one it has been quite difficult because everything is so new to me. I know that it is not perfect at this stage but it is to the best standard that I could have done. We have been having tutorials every week which I have found very useful because the timing seems to work well, we get told what to achieve over the week and so far I have been successful in doing this. It would have been nice to be more independent on this project but seeing as I have never made a tutu before this was the only way I could of achieved what I had done. Although I have not been completely dependent, for example with the dyeing it was our decision and I think we made good choices as the colours all work well. Also the pleating and hooping was completed to how I thought they should be and this worked in my favour because they were finished to a good standard.

I have enjoyed SDP because although I have had weekly tutorials I still have independence, it is up to me when I come in to uni and the hours that I work. I have been working to my timeplan as best I can and this has worked in my favour because throughout the project I have not got behind on work. I think it has prepared me for third year because I can see how independently we need to start working and I feel that I will cope with this well as I am quite organised and know how I work best. It has also prepared me because we have had to work so precisely and the costume has had to be perfect as it is for a client, so this has taught me to take time and ensure that every task I carry out is right before moving on.

I think that SDP has also taught me what it will be like to work for a client, the costume has to be perfect. For example having to undo the bodice because of the fabric wrinkling was because it was for a client, if this was just being handed in we probably would not of decided as a group to do this. I haven't had a fitting with my client yet but I think that I will learn alot more from this.

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